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Probitas Foundation promotes sexual and reproductive education workshops

Probitas Foundation promotes sexual and reproductive education workshops

May 25, 2023

  • 30 young people and adolescents from Ludo Margarida Bedós (Sabadell) have taken part in the workshops offered by specialists from the Dexeus Mujer Foundation within the framework of a complementary intervention.

Within the framework of complementary interventions, we carry out actions that improve the physical, mental, and social health of minors in vulnerable situations, generating specialized resources that complement the foundation's own projects. On this occasion, we have promoted a pilot test of five sexual and reproductive education workshops with the collaboration of three specialists from the Dexeus Mujer Foundation. The aim of the action is to reinforce the socio-educational accompaniment offered to minors in vulnerable situations who participate in the foundation's programs.

In this way, the 30 young people of Sabadell’s Dinem Junts have taken part in five sessions offered by Dr. Núria Parera, gynecologist; Dr. Hildegard Mausbach, an expert in family planning; and Dr. Núria Curell, pediatrician. The first four sessions were focused on offering a more theoretical view of the anatomy of the human body in the stage of puberty, sexuality and affective relationships as related values, contraceptive methods, and the prevention of sexually transmitted infections.  Finally, the fifth session was organized at the request of the adolescents themselves to resolve all the doubts that arose in the different sessions.  In addition, throughout the activity, the boys and girls were informed of the resources and network services available in the territory of the country when they have possible queries or require assistance. 

Cristina Vico, program manager of the Sabadell’s Dinem Junts de Sabaell, highlights the good acceptance of the action by the minors and highlights that "we are working to replicate the activity together with the Dexeus Mujer Foundation in order to have an expert entity on the subject. We are convinced of the need to encourage the promotion of healthy sexuality to prevent risky behaviors, promoting positive and responsible attitudes towards sexuality and shared relationships”