Potes Amigues

Different studies on children have found that a lack of assertive social skills can lead to the appearance of dysfunctional behavior both at home and at school. It is crucial to develop social skills during early childhood to protect and promote health because they are closely linked to cognitive development and school-based learning.  

We run activities with dogs at kindergarten level to help the children develop social skills and improve their emotional well-being. We have started a pilot program at two kindergartens in the Gironès region of Catalonia, and over 100 children aged 4 to 6 take part. The sessions are carried out and supervised by a professional specialist.  

The interaction with dogs in early childhood has shown that they become a catalyst for social interaction and, at the same time, modulate behavior, improving integration and promoting emotional and social development. This also contributes towards improving their executive functions, which are crucial for good academic performance.